Alexander Technique Introductory Workshop

Thursday, 3rd October 2019, 7.00-8.30 pm or
Saturday, 16th November 2019, 10.30-12.00 noon

The Alexander Technique is about moving, sitting, standing more easily and freely in everyday life. Frequently we are using much more tension and effort than necessary in many day-to-day activities, and many people end up with aches and pain, for example back pain. The Alexander Technique is a very different approach, yet ultimately very simple. It is not a treatment, there are no exercises nor do you need any special equipment. We are retraining how we are using ourselves – our body and mind – in everyday activities. In this short workshop we will introduce some fundamental principles of the Technique via some practical demonstrations; we will look at some basic movements, and you will learn about a different way of sitting which is better for your back.


Jean Fischer, assisted by Regina Stratil
Language: predominantly English

Fees and booking
Fee: €20 (per person and date)
Booking: (Tel.: 0316/319468)
Max. 5 participants


Thursday, 3rd October 2019, 7.00-8.30 pm or
Saturday, 16th November 2019, 10.30-12.00 noon
(same workshop on two different dates)

Alexander-Technik Studio Graz
Harrachgasse 4/2 (1. OG rechts)
8010 Graz