Open Day, Saturday 21 May

Free introductions to the Alexander Technique Saturday 21 May

Throughout Saturday 21 May there will be short introductory talks in English and German as well as individual demonstrations in the Alexander Technique.

11:00 – 11:30: A short introductory talk on the Technique in English

12:00 – 13:00: 15-minute individual demonstrations, English or German

14:00 – 14:30: Eine kurze Vorstellung der Alexander-Technik

15:00 – 16:00: 15-minute individual demonstrations, English or German

For details and how to book please see


Teaching training course trial days

In anticipation of starting a teachers training course in the F. M. Alexander Technique we are running some training course sample days this autumn.

This is for people who have already had private lessons and are considering training to be teachers. It provides a “taster”, that is an opportunity to find out what a typical training course day is like, meet other potential students, and meet both teachers (Regina and Jean).

Please see Teacher Training > Trial Dates for more information.

If you are interested in joining us on any of these dates then please book in advance. The price for each day is €45.00. Space is limited to 5 participants.

For more information on our proposed training course please see Teacher Training > Overview.

Any questions? Please email or phone us.

  • Tuesday 12 October – morning
  • Thursday 4 November – morning

Mornings: 9:00 – 12:30

Irene Tasker biography by Regina Stratil

Regina Stratil has published her long-awaited biography of the Alexander Technique teacher Irene Tasker (1887–1977).

Irene Tasker was a trusted assistant to F. M. Alexander for many years. She pioneered the Alexander Technique in education when she set up a school for children in 1924, in London, based on the principles of the Alexander Technique. She was also the first teacher to introduce the Technique in South Africa. Here she taught doctors, lawyers, educationalists and many children again and generated a movement which culminated in attempts to incorporate the Alexander Technique in South African schools. This is the first biography of Irene Tasker, it is based upon the research and study of primary sources and includes a collection of source material in the appendices. The book casts new light on the history of the Alexander Technique.

Irene Tasker – Her Life and Work with the Alexander Technique by Regina Stratil is available from the Mouritz shop.

The Unknown in Hands-on Work


Sunday 26 April
The Unknown in Hands-on Work with Jean M. O. Fischer
Inhibition is the source of creativity and the unknown. The unknown can only happen if our habitual way of reacting does not get in the way. By inhibiting our habitual reaction we allow for the possibility of something new to arise. Sometimes hands-on work becomes formulaic and repetitive and we are not as open to perceiving ourselves and our pupils as we could be. This workshop will start with a short lying-down (but with a different thinking process than normal), followed by basic hands-on preparation in ourselves and in pairs, and then putting hands-on each other, but in a way which is exploring how to be more sensitive, perceptive and non-judgemental in our hands-on work.

Sunday 26 April: 11am – 1:15 pm with a break.
For teachers. Max. 8 participants. To secure a place please email Jean.
Fee: €30.00.

Location: Das Wiener Ausbildungszentrum für Alexander-Technik (WAAT).

Advertising and marketing



Saturday 25 April
Advertising and marketing with Jean M. O. Fischer
As a teacher for some 30 years in Britain I have participated in different PR strategies over the years. In this talk and discussion I want to share the different PR strategies STAT pursued, the different strategies we tried with the Pimlico Centre for the Alexander Technique, and those which other teachers have shared with me. There are a range of options which have been tested and which are available to us. Of course advertising is going to differ from country to country, and I cannot say what will work best in Austria. (Regina’s and my experiences in Austria are limited.) However, I can talk about my experiences in Britain. We will then have a discussion about what could work for each teacher as individual circumstances and skills are a factor. All very informal.

This is a FREE workshop for students on training courses and teachers. Max. 9 participants. To secure a place please email Jean.

11 am – 1 pm with a short break.

Location: Das Wiener Ausbildungszentrum für Alexander-Technik (WAAT).

Inner Space – The Final Frontier!*





Whereas we are normally conscious of the space surrounding us we are rarely conscious of our own ‘space’ – our size, our shape, the space we take up. We frequently diminish ourselves in two concurrent ways: 1. by too much tension which tends to pull us downwards and inwards, in effect squeezing ourselves; and 2. by collapsing (frequently called ‘relaxing’) which also compresses us, reducing our shape and size. Both decrease our ‘inner space’ which in turn affects the functioning of our entire organism, both physically and psychologically. For example by diminishing our breathing capacity, compressing our joints, narrowing our blood vessels, and therefore making us feel smaller. With the Alexander Technique we are not setting out with an idée fixe as to what we are or should be – there is no predefined ‘ideal’ posture – but we are learning how to prevent constricting ourselves. The AT is how to allow ourselves our true size and shape. And it is an ‘allowance’, not an imposition. We can allow ourselves to take up the space we inhabit. It is much more an ‘inner’ expansion rather than ‘outer’ expansion (although there are visible effects as well, these are side-effects and not the primary object of the AT). The Alexander Technique is inviting you to boldly go where you may have not gone before – your own personal and individual space.

* With apologies to Star Trek.

Workshops in Maribor, Slovenia

Last Saturday we gave two Alexander Technique workshops to the Konservatorij za glasbo in balet Maribor – the Music and Ballet Conservatory in Maribor, Slovenia. About 30 students and teachers of the string department participated in these two theoretical and practical introductions to the Technique.

The Alexander Technique is an invaluable tool for learning to play with greater ease and prevent problems that often arise due to unnecessary strain and unhealthy movement patterns. It is adaptable to any musical activity because it teaches what to prevent, what ‘not’ to do. It is well known among musicians in several countries where it is part of the curriculum in music schools and music colleges.

The lying-down procedure – Step 3/3

Your Alexander teacher will have provided you with the classical directions of the Technique (along the lines of ‘neck to release, head free to go forwards and upwards’ etc., the exact phrasing depends on the teacher). Here inhibition (non-doing) and direction are closely choreographed in the activity of thinking. Every direction has to be preceded by inhibition so that the whole process is one of prevention and non-doing. The expansion and general release of the whole muscular system is first and foremost an undoing, only gradually does it become a subtle toning-up of the muscles, whereby the whole neuro-muscular system is enlivened, alive and alert, and in a state of readiness. Lying down is salutary for practising this thinking (inhibition and direction) which you can then continue as you resume your everyday activities. Ultimately the experiences of lying down inform how you go about daily life.

Many people find this simple (on paper) practice difficult, but with time and practice it becomes easy and flowing.

(Image adapted from Directed Activities by Gerard Grennell (© Mouritz, 2002).)