Taking Care of Yourself Through 8 Shows a Week

Advice for professional actors on how to take care of yourself using the Alexander Technique in the Backstage Magazine:

Everyone needs a chance to rebound from stress. The good news is that you can build in a regular practice such that the more you work, the more resilient you become. . . . This is where Alexander Technique comes in. The Alexander Technique gives actors tools for taking ownership of their time, starting by learning to pause. Allowing for moments to reset and drop in can free you from leaking too much of your energy over the day. Efficient use of energy is not just a body question, it’s the way we think into our body that can help us reduce stress and exhaustion, increase stamina, increase energy. . . . In an ideal world, there would be an Alexander specialist assigned to every show and a place to meet with actors backstage.

Read more at backstage.com/magazine. Or contact us for an introductory lesson and learn how to use yourself and your energy efficiently in everyday life – or in performance!

Primary Coordination

Alexander discovered that there exists an optimum coordination of the head, neck and back which makes human movements fluid, easy and graceful.

This organisation of movement exists in all vertebrate animals. Small children have this coordination instinctively. Due to stress and harmful habits we may lose this natural coordination. Typically we strain the neck, causing the head to compress down on the spine, and we shorten the spine. Instead the whole muscular arrangement of the body should ease and expand so that the spine can lengthen and the head can be delicately balanced on top of the spine. This makes for uprightness and freedom of movement.

This is not achieved by exercise or manipulation but by a conscious change of our habitual way of sitting, standing and moving in everyday life.

With the Alexander Technique you can reinstate this primary coordination of movement.

You are warmly welcome to come to one of our ‘Open Hours’ events to get an impression of the Alexander Technique.
Through a series of lessons you can learn to practice the Alexander Technique.


Breathing can be deep and easy. Too often we hold our breath unconsciously or breathe shallowly by restricting our breathing capacity. One of the reasons may simply be mechanical: that we collapse in the front, thereby compressing our neck and chest.

With the Alexander Technique we achieve an upright poise. The spine lengthens and the ribcage can expand. Then the lungs are free to move and breathing becomes naturally effortless. Air is essential for our well-being, not just our physical well-being, but our psychological well-being. It is not only a question of not getting enough air but also of exhaling freely. Holding our breath, breathing intermittantly or inadequately can be a cause of feeling tired or stressed. Conversely, when we feel ‘well ventilated’, we feel free, unhindered, unrestricted, and ready for action.

You are warmly welcome to come to one of our ‘Open Hours’ events to get an impression of the Alexander Technique.
Through a series of lessons you can learn to practice the Alexander Technique.

The Power of Habit

Habits are useful for many purposes but may also cause us to become stuck in a routine. We may become stuck in a certain ‘groove’, a certain way of doing things. A habitual way of doing something comes to feel familiar, comfortable, and ends up feeling like it is the only way of doing things. Take sitting, for example. We adopt a certain sitting posture, not because it is any good for the purpose but because it is habitual. That habitual way of sitting may be too stiff (too much tension) or too slouching (not enough tonus) or a combination of both, and because it is habitual we are not conscious of it. The Alexander Technique makes us conscious of our habits. The Technique brings to our attention the amount of muscular effort we bring to an activity. As we become more aware of what and how we perform whatever activity we are engaged in, we can break the habit. You learn to prevent the habit with its associated stiffness and rigidity, and instead allow the muscular system to expand, thereby increasing the length and reach of your body. By breaking habits you will have more choice. The Alexander Technique does not tell you what to do; it provides the skill to break habit.

You are warmly welcome to come to one of our ‘Open Hours’ events to get an impression of the Alexander Technique.
Through a series of  lessons you can learn to practice the Alexander Technique.

Alexander Technique, the conscious ‘how’

The Alexander Technique a is practical method for daily life; for how we sit, stand, walk, breathe, work, run. It is needed because most of us are using far too much strain and effort in even the simplest of activities, causing us to fatigue easily and often slump. There is a mechanical aspect to the Alexander Technique; one needs to become aware of oneself as a weight-bearing structure which functions most efficiently when it is in balance. But there is also a ‘psychological’ aspect: no movement is devoid of thinking and feeling. Our attitude towards moving, whether sitting down or taking a step, shapes the movement in subtle but fundamental ways. The Alexander Technique teaches us how we can become aware of these influences, and so provides us with more control of how we move. It is not what we do, but how we do it which is important.

You are warmly welcome to come to one of our ‘Open Hours’ events to get an impression of the Alexander Technique.
Through a series of  lessons you can learn to practice the Alexander Technique.

Open Hours Saturday 08/09/18

Saturday 8 September, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

If you would prefer to find out a bit more about the Alexander Technique before trying a lesson, then come along to an Open Hour. You can meet us, hear a short talk about what the Alexander Technique is, and how it could benefit you. You can also experience the Alexander Technique for yourself in a short practical demonstration (time allowing), and have your questions answered.

This event will be in English and German.

You can just drop in during the Open Hour, there is no need to book in advance. We look forward to meeting you!

Handynutzung gefährdet Halswirbelsäule

Das Problem, vor allem im Hinblick auf eine Gefährdung der Halswirbelsäule, liegt darin, was man mit sich SELBST macht während man das Smartphone nutzt. In diesem Zusammenhang sollte daher vor allem vor einem schlechten Selbstgebrauch gewarnt werden…

Mit der Alexander-Technik kann man einen bewussten und guten Selbstgebrauch erlernen, der in allen Lebenslagen und bei allen Aktivitäten nützlich und gesundheitsfördernd ist, nicht nur bei der Handynutzung.

Artikel at Wien.orf.at.